To Lisa on the internet

I knew that the moment I started sharing my story online people would read it and either be inspired or confused. I knew that there would be judgment and I will have to read people’s opinions on my life. I can handle it. On my blog post about the man that I manifested I had this comment. I sent a quick response but I felt like this is a perfect example of people misunderstanding manifestation, so let’s take a deep dive, shall we?


Not sure how I came across this, but love is all that really counts in this world. But you can't base your dreams on fictional TV characters, they don't exist. Take it from someone that's been married over 30 years to have real love it's the everyday things that make it worthwhile. And yes it means working together to reach goals but trust and respect for each other, those two things need to be front and center from day one.
Hope you find what your looking for, but keep it real, fictional characters don't exist.


Hi Lisa. I am not basing my dreams on fictional characters, instead I am using real personality attributes of these characters to mold an idea of what my dream guy would be. I understand that trust and respect is the solid foundation of any relationship whether that be real or fictional. Congrats on your 30 years of marriage! And thank you for your well wishes!

Bless her.

Lisa doesn’t understand how to manifest and that’s okay. She starts the comment by saying, “Not sure how I came across this, but love is all that really counts in this world. But you can't base your dreams on fictional TV characters, they don't exist.” I’m not sure how you came across this either but I am glad you are here Lisa. And it’s okay, there are plenty of people who are confused by the notion that you can turn your dreams into reality.

Lisa doesn’t understand that I am pulling real human characteristics from fictional characters. Am I trying to have Carrie Bradshaws life? Absolutely not, I don’t want anyones life but my own. I am setting standards of what I would like to have happen, a loose idea of what is possible. I know that whatever I have planned pales in comparison to the man that it truly meant for me. Whatever God has planned will be better than what I could ever dream of and that is an exciting thought. Her comment “but love is all that really counts in this world” might be the only thing I agree with here.

Lisa said this about dating, “it means working together to reach goals but trust and respect for each other, those two things need to be front and center from day one.” I disagree with that sentiment. How can you have trust and respect for someone on day one? That person is a stranger and trust and respect need to be earned. I fully trust people at first, that way they can let me down slowly (ha! joking) Anyways, am I about to trust my stranger with my life on a first, second or third date? Ya, NO.

Lisa offers her credentials by saying, “Take it from someone that's been married over 30 years to have real love it's the everyday things that make it worthwhile.” Happy for you Lisa! But I don’t know you or your marriage. You might have the most toxic relationship of all time. Your ‘everyday things’ might be so boring and basic I could never. I will give it to you though, 30 years of marriage is amazing, so whatever you’re doing…therapy? Laundry? Housework? Daily blowjobs? Must really be working.

Finally she ends it with this kind sentiment, “Hope you find what your looking for, but keep it real, fictional characters don't exist.” Cool! Thanks for the advice. You mean I can’t marry a fictional character or have a fairy tale wedding? Geez, what was I thinking? I’m so embarrassed. Lolz. These are exactly the type of people who think your dreams and plans are delusional. These are the people who want to knock you down from heavens door. These are the people who have to give you terrible advice so you can live a mediocre life just like them. What advice was I getting from that comment? I am still unsure. Hopefully she comments with some clarity on this post too.

There are more naysayers in this world than I can even count. People love to tell you that your dreams are unattainable. They love to tell you what you can’t do. They will tell you that you don’t have what it takes. That you can’t marry Mickey Mouse. And know what I say? If you want to get with Mickey, then be Minnie Mouse. Tie that bow in your hair, walk out of your door and giggle in delusion because you are living a much more interesting life than Lisa on the internet.


Highlight of 2023: Friendships


a story about two rose Bushes