The Bravest Version of Myself

I haven’t blogged since my livejournal days and right now it feels foreign and vulnerable. Still, I want to share my lifestyle on my own personal website rather than on a social media account that don’t feel like mine. I want to share for the sake of writing and not for an audience or an algorithm. My website is about to get more personal.

I am taking a break from tattooing this winter. Don’t worry! I will never quit tattooing, this is just a hiatus, a season dedicated to other passions. As a creative person it is time for me to do other creative things. Time to shake this bottle of creative juice and see what pops off.

When I first started tattooing I had to put myself out there. It wasn’t easy for me at the beginning but I didn’t give up. I had to be brave and post, even when my tattoos weren’t as good as I wanted to them to be, I had to put myself out there online and get more practice. I took photos of all my work, to me, they were never good enough. But I only felt that way at the beginning fo my caeere because now I am a seasoned pro. I do better because I know better. I still take a million photos of one tattoo and judge it. All tattooers do. But I know every single tattoo artist has taken more than one photo of the same tattoo. An artist will never walk up to a tattoo and take ONE photo of it for social media…ever. And if you do, if you only take one photo of the tattoo you just created and walk away, then you are the bravest person I know.

Anyways it’s time for me to be brave and put myself out there again! But tbh, this new way feels more vulnerable than being a tattoo artist...I want…to…share my life on the internet!!!! Terrifying, I know. I also want to help people through the art of EFT/tapping because it has really worked for me. I swear by it. EFT (emotional freedom technique) gives me energy, it helps me stay centered and grounds me. It has helped me overcome anxiety, sugar cravings, marijuana addiction and procrastination. There are plenty of studies out there proving EFT works! I will make a blog post with links to showcase this.

I recently tapped on being brave and it reminded me that I have been brave a million time before. I have put myself out there. I became a tattoo artist because I wanted to be. I hosted a podcast back when it was still called internet radio. I opened a tattoo business in Turks and Caicos. I asked my crush out. I drank a kombucha before a massage. I did mushrooms by myself at a Florence and the Machine concert. I did mushrooms by myself in Amsterdam. Okay, so I like doing mushrooms. I have been brave a million times and I can be brave again for the sake of this next chapter in my life.

Whenever I make a decision to fully do the thing, I do the damn thing and I trust that it will work out. And when it doesn’t, it was for the story. It was a part of my hero’s journey. It’s for the plot. If we aren’t making mistakes then we aren’t trying. I’m failing forward. My failures built the foundation I stand on. My priorities have shifted, my standards are higher, my life is good. I like being an entrepreneur. It is exciting. It keeps my brain going, it’s like a puzzle you continuously work on. I like brain teasers and I like figuring this shit out. My wordle score is flawless.

So now that I am taking my website seriously you will see tremendous growth. There will be merch! There will be blogs! I’ll talk all about thrifting and lifestyle! I’ll share free EFT videos! There will be personal development tools! I can’t stop yelling! I’m so excited. Thank you for being here.


a heavily tattooed woman walks into a bar